Phone number:
(+39) 334 6280290
33010 Sella Nevea, Chiusaforte (UD)
How to get
Malga Montasio can be easily reached by car. The hut has ample parking.
Udine-Tarvisio motorway: exit at Carnia. Continue along the Pontebbana state road towards Tarvisio, Austria. At Chiusaforte, turn right, taking the bridge over the Fella river. After 18 km you reach Sella Nevea.
from the center, follow via Vittorio Veneto towards the lower part of the town, take the road to Cave del Predil. After Cave del Predil, after 1 km, turn right towards Chiusaforte Sella Nevea. From Tarvisio: 22 km.
(motorway exit at the Tolmezzo toll booth) along the provincial road Chiusaforte – Sella Nevea and then in Sella Nevea follow the signs for the Montasio plateau. From Tarvisio (motorway exit at Tarvisio) via the state road that leads to Cave del Predil and then continue to Sella Nevea – Montasio plateau.